Monday, October 22, 2012

Montreal's Zombie Walk

While relatively small for a city, Montreal is known for its great number of festivals and municipal events taking place throughout the year. The annual Jazz festival and Just For Laughs festival are examples of events that draw people from around the world, but many smaller events also take place that are relished by the locals.

 Due in no small part to the approach of Halloween, it just so happened that my stay coincided with Montreal's annual Zombie Walk. This year, the event drew an approximated 3000 people. Yikes.

And so I left home after throwing together a quick outfit, and joined my (usually) lovely lady friends, Roxanne and Marie (pictured) for their own preparations. Shortly after, we were off to join the horde.

It would feel very authentic if not for the photographers!
With my trusty frying pan in hand, I went dressed as a struggling survivor, and that was great fun. I had a blast running up to photographers and just yelling stuff like "evacuate!", "run!", and "they're coming!" in their faces at the top of my lungs, while darting in and out of the zombie horde. I was often chased around by rather outgoing individuals who took their role-play to heart, and I safely assume that I can treasure those moments as some of the few where I'll ever have several women on top of me at a time.
 Once in a while I would also encounter another rare survivor who would grab me by the arm and we would go running together.
 I fancy the thought that there may have been some people who woke up at this time and looked outside and thought this was actually happening.

Game over?

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